Saturday, March 28, 2009

Real Change for America

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters, rolling around gathering dust.   How about using that loose change to CHANGE  America.    Gather it up and spend it or save it or donate it to a good cause during the week of April 12-18, 2009.  Let's make it  CHANGE for America Week.    Let's get the economy going with just our spare change.  Leave your ideas of how to spend the money you find.  Below are some ideas for using just ten dollars that could make a big difference.  Leave your ideas here.  All I ask is that you keep your suggestions G-rated, legal and polite.  Let's CHANGE America.

During these times of economic woe everybody is suffering.  Charities have had a significant drop in giving.  Let's CHANGE that.  

Some of my ideas:
  1. Buy compact florescent light bulbs and save energy and money .
  2. Contact friends at your church or other organization and see how much you can donate together.
  3. Buy a multi pack of socks and give them to the homeless.
  4. Become a member of the Arbor Day Foundation and get 10 trees FREE.
  5. Buy Forever Stamps before the price goes up in May.
  6. Plant some flower bulbs and every year you will benefit from your investment
  7. Get a houseplant.
  8. Pay extra on your mortgage or credit card.
  9. Buy a board game and spend some time with your family.
What are your ideas?  Gather up your spare change, tell me how much you found and how you will spend it.  


  1. Great idea! If I found ten dollars in spare change I would rent a DVD , buy some snacks and have a movie night with my kids.

  2. Might this have an impact beyond what you are thinking. What would that do if millions of dollars just "appeared" back into the economy. Wouldn't that be just about the same as printing more money?
